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What is it?
Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy that aims to help individuals resolve pain and loss of function in their musculoskeletal system. It can be useful for the treatment of both long-term and short-term problems.
How does it work?
During your initial session, will take a case history and then examine you to ensure we understand your problem thoroughly. This will enable us to formulate a personalised plan for your recovery. We use a mixture of massage, gentle manipulation, dry needling and Pilates exercise to help you heal.
NB: please bring shorts or wear suitable underwear as the clinician may ask you to remove clothing during your assessment
Benefits of Osteopathy
Osteopathy may be helpful in the treatment of:​
Back pain
Aches and pains related to pregnancy
Sports injuries
Non-angina chest pain
Shoulder and arm pain
Neck pain
Hip, knee and ankle problems
What does it cost?
Initial consultations last one hour and cost £70
Follow-up sessions are 30 minutes and cost £50

Sports Massage Therapy
What is it?
Massage therapy aims to alleviate the stresses and strains caused by busy lifestyles, repetitive tasks and sporting activity. We offer Sports Massage sessions at the studio which employs a variety of soft tissue manipulation techniques to reduce muscle tension, improve muscle extensibility, release restrictions and prevent injury.
NB: please bring shorts or wear suitable underwear as the clinician may ask you to remove clothing during your assessment.
What does it cost?
Sessions are either 30 minutes at £39, or one hour at £63.
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